Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 29, 11:41 AM
    Not so much "different" as hidden from the ultimate consumer.

    I think you're also forgetting that the current version of OSX is included with every Mac.

    Well it is hidden and it is different. I guarantee you that Dell doesn't pay the same price you do when they purchase a resale license for Vista from MS.

    Also OSX is included with every Mac but it is the same situation. Apple has to mark up the hardware by some increment for the cost of the OS. I have no idea what Apple's internal pricing is for OS X but it has some value.

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  • Hey Apple!
    Apr 11, 05:16 AM
    Haha wow, this story made my day. I'm going to be amused about this for a while.

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  • Jimmy James
    Apr 2, 03:49 PM
    So much misinformation in this thread and very few accurate replies.

    More megapixels is better than fewer, because:

    1. You can make larger prints
    2. You can crop tighter


    There are limitations with the lens and sensor. Putting more MP on the same sized sensor creates higher pixel density. We are at a saturation point with the current 5MP sensor where adding pixels will add substantial noise and degrade the image quality. 8 MP on the current sensor is a downgrade. At best, coupled with in-camera processing algorithms to deal with the noise, it's a lateral move. At best.

    You can't simply stick in a bigger sensor, either. You are limited by the focal length, which is dictated by the thickness of the device. There is no magic way around this. Here's a lesson:


    I won't even get into the lens.

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  • kenaustus
    Aug 24, 01:06 PM
    Will have to check the wife's iBook, my PB and the spare battery I bought for it. Would be nice if all three were replaced!

    It's a bad year for Sony as they are going to be paying out the nose for the replacements. Apple will probably send the replacements overnight - adding to Sony's misery.

    For even more Sony misery - they might be joining the party:


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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 13, 03:39 PM
    If it's shipping in June, even June 30, how can it not be near final form? I mean when a developer tells me s/w is "nowhere near final form" I'm thinking early beta at best. But 2.5 months from release (assume June 30) shouldn't it be in the bug testing phases and everything else locked up?

    Would this run on a maxed 13" air ok?

    It should except where a plugin or feature is GPU intensive and needs a real video card. That is the real Achilles heel of the 13". (I say that as an owner). Motion will run like molasses though.

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  • Cougarcat
    May 4, 11:13 PM
    300-600 mb over the air?


    They'd have to change the updates to be actual updates, rather than the "install the entire OS again" approach we have now.

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 01:54 PM
    Just ordered a silver 4GB with inscription for my girlfriend. It's her birthday present (from last month) and she got to choose the colour herself... :)

    Ordered a Tucano Second Skin Guaina for my MacBook at the same time to save a buck on shipping... ;)

    Now that the nanos look (and presumably feel) like the minis I might be tempted to get a nano, and not just a new battery, whenever my 1G green mini's battery decides to quit... a green 4GB nano would be a perfect replacement...

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  • RebootD
    Apr 11, 12:39 PM
    Good lord stop trying to convince everyone that stealing software is a noble and just cause. It isn't, it's wrong and if you cannot afford the software use something else and/or get a new job.

    When I went freelance I didn't have a ton of cash, and certainly just had enough to put 'food on the table' as you say, but guess what? I got the software and wrote it off in taxes reducing the cost anyway. Why? Because I want to be a legit freelancer and I made 33x more than the cost of the software so I'd say it was worth it.

    OK, so we've established that you are a pirate, AND a hypocrite.

    No, not 100%. You can't possibly know, unless you've surveyed every CSX pirate there ever was. Case in point. You have a full time job, and in this inflating economy, it's not enough to support your family. So, you try to do a little work on the side - just to help pay the bills. Does this person have $1200 to spend on the software? No way. Would he like to? Of course, but his family comes first.

    No, again. not any goofball can learn Photoshop and Illustrator. You need to have a certain amount of talent in order to make sense of the tools your are working with. Also, each one can enhance the usability of the other over time with practice, and a lot of trial and error.

    So everyone who pirates qualifies for the EDU version? Is lying to get the EDU version better than pirating the full version?

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  • dllavaneras
    Jul 22, 10:16 PM
    This could help many students take a quick look at an e-book to verify or check some info while studying, instead of lugging around a ton of books

    EDIT: Just a quick question: would this e-book feature be able to see images embedded in the e-book? or just text?

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 25, 01:07 PM
    After 10 years of "Feels Snappier" How snappy can Safari get? How long before Safari actually snaps in half when you move it?

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 10, 11:32 PM
    You still have not explained your position. Why does a country NEED such a large military budget and how does it benefit the citizens of said country?

    As for why Countries like Canada and the US fare better with a large Military.

    Let's call it a personal preference ... I am not as convinced as others that may believe having a strong Military should be a low priority.

    To each their own ... have you ever thought that if the US slashed their military budget to 100 billion ... that money would just get squandered away.

    or do people think ... oh no, our Government all of a sudden would spend it wisely.

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  • Cinch
    May 5, 12:00 AM
    I'm hoping for wireless syncing with iTunes as well. The less I have to connect via a cable, the better.

    Agree. I think the iPhone should be an independent device with the benefit of having access to the iTunes ecosystem.

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  • smugDrew
    Apr 15, 01:35 AM
    I really wish Android Spambots would keep to Android forums. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, not unexpected. At least 5 of my immediate friends have switched from Windows to Mac after seeing my setup and how reliable and stable Mac's with OS X are.

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  • tsadi
    May 4, 10:06 PM
    Sounds like the source pulled their 'info' from where the sun don't shine, and I'm not even remotely interested even if its true.

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  • dime21
    Mar 31, 12:24 AM
    Here's a few quick ones.

    "U.S. wants other nations to pitch in on Libya"

    "European countries downsize military, increase social programs"

    "In an effort to decrease European government spending ... They are planning on reducing billions from their military budgets due to budget deficits."

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  • mi5moav
    Jul 23, 06:45 AM
    I guess we'll see the second coming of the ibook shortly. This will probably be a small tablet size. Is it possible to use two different kind of screen technology on the same screen. OLED and TFT. The only thing is that when I was in Japan earlier this year I saw and used the Sony ereader with eInk it was really a very nice device and the screen feels like a paperback book, it isn't true white and doesn't strain the eyes. I guess, this new device is going to use text recognition and voice over, I don't know if this is going to work since Agnes is not really that great wih expressions, but we'll see. I really have no clue how this is going to pan out, I really would rather have Apple release a gread digital video camera with HD/HD but they have some sort of deal with sony or panasonic that they won't what gives!!!!

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  • kinster
    Nov 8, 08:53 AM
    Can anyone quote the UK HE store prices or post a link to it please?

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  • AxisOfBeagles
    Mar 8, 12:16 PM
    and yet another from this weekend's visit to Loreto ...


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  • Anawrahta
    Aug 2, 07:06 PM
    Hackers rank up there with drug dealers as the scum of the earth. Pathetic, cocky wastes of human life. And no - there's no way you can convince me otherwise and I know I'm not in the minority on this one.

    Side Note: Of course I'm talking about the ones who release their stuff into the wild and don't just notify the software company about the problem and keep it to themselves (those are good people and should be commended - it's the other ones that are a waste of flesh)

    I agree....but wouldn't it be better to say, malicious hackers? I think that most hackers are good people and just like to tinker with things. Of course there's always going to be some bad apples.

    Sep 13, 02:23 PM
    I would really like to see what the difference in size between the new nanos and old nanos is. if it really is 52% smaller, which doesn't look it from the picture, I will definitely consider picking one up. has anyone seen any side by side pictures of the new and old nano?

    Oct 13, 06:58 PM
    sweet retort.

    btw, love the sig. ;)

    Sep 6, 08:57 AM
    1.83GHz 17" iMac - $1549
    2.00GHz 17" iMac - $1849
    2.16GHz 20" iMac - $2299
    2.16GHz 24" iMac - $2999

    That's a bit higher than I'd thought for the 24" model, I was thinking about $2599 but ah well.

    Off to check out edu prices.

    It's $1999 Stateside. It's actually proportionally cheaper in the currency conversion than the 17" stripper base model.

    Aug 29, 09:52 AM
    Remember, if you buy Vista, it'll most likely last at least 4-5 years before the next paid upgrade, unlike with OS X where if you want the latest and greatest, you're looking at an upgrade almost every year.

    You can easily upgrade OS X from 10.1 straight to 10.5 (atleast 10.4), and if you can't, do a clean install because it's a same damn disk. Can you upgrade Win98 to Vista?

    Vista looks to be a big jump from WinXP too, and seems a lot more mac-like.

    People said the same thing about XP, but all it did was to take 2000/NT code back then, add few drivers and paint it ugly blue.

    Mar 29, 07:08 AM

    You forgot:

    Apple is only a hype machine

    Apple is evil

    Apple only cares about money

    Apple is money grabbing Steve Jobs ruling with an iron fist

    Apple is a moral dictator

    Apple should invest in cancer research

    add here.................................

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