Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

funny images of animals

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  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 4, 10:21 AM
    I wonder why the 2 plans have to be mutually exclusive. Why not download the whole database when you get it, for when you might not get coverage. And then automatically update when you do have coverage. When going somewhere, give priority updating to the current route and then download everything else. Maybe allow current route to be updated with EDGE/3G while whole database updates require Wi-Fi. Just my 2�

    Tom Tom is moving towards this... the latest version allows users to submit map update info, and then allows other users to download that info. I'm not sure what it includes because I haven't played with it, but I have noticed it downloading the updates for me every couple of weeks (over 3G, not wifi). It asks when you start up if you want to download the updates.

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  • nosen
    Sep 25, 09:49 AM
    Events are no fun without live coverage. :(

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  • Alisstar
    Mar 13, 04:35 PM
    iPhone 4 here with iOS 4.3 installed. No issues to report with the clock.

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  • Westacular
    Mar 23, 05:34 PM
    Why don't they just use existing standards? RTSP, H.264/MPEG4 video and bonjour. There. No licensing required.

    But no.

    Apple pulls the "standards compliant" flag out of their asses only when it suits them. Boo.

    Umm. You almost did just describe AirPlay. It *is* based on Bonjour and H.264/MPEG4 video.

    For control and transport they didn't go with RTSP+RTP -- which has limitations around firewalls, proxies, CDNs, and more importantly, encryption/DRM -- and instead used HTTP Live Streaming (, which Apple openly submitted to the IETF a couple years ago, and has been undergoing standardization since.

    And that's most of what there is to it. The only novel stuff is in the way Bonjour is used for this, and that was easily reverse engineered, which is how you now have software like AirPlayer (for OS X) and AirViewer (for iOS) which act as Apple TV-like AirPlay displays.

    ... But only for DRM-free videos. Anything that's wrapped in Fairplay (iTunes' DRM) can, as always, only be played back by official Apple-sanctioned software/devices.


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  • Time Less
    Apr 21, 02:26 PM
    When the current form-factor is fundamentally flawed:

    1. Fragile build materials (glass that shatters)


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  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 4, 10:16 AM
    Not interested - the Tom Tom app is great, and I don't have to worry about data coverage. When you drive around in rural areas, it can definitely be a big issue. There are plenty of much cheaper apps that download maps on the fly. Free traffic is a plus though - that may be the one selling point. I have to pay a yearly fee with Tom Tom.


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  • Funny Animals

  • Chundles
    Sep 27, 10:47 AM
    No, no, no! Don't you know, after 10.4.9 Apple has run out of numbers! It'd have to be 10.5.0!


    Couldn't resist...sorry!

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

    You're right, whatever will they doooooo??????

    Insert InvisiText� Disclaimer that I know 10.4.10 does not equal 10.5.0 here.

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  • cherry su
    Mar 22, 12:36 PM
    Never review your pictures.


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  • Funny Animal Pictures Part 2

  • JeffTL
    Sep 14, 10:06 PM
    I haven't ever been under general anesthesia per se, but for having my wisdom teeth out about 3 weeks ago I was sedated by IV injection with Diprivan (basically the same thing as a general anesthesia from my perspective -- I was out). An hour beforehand I had taken Ativan as a tranquilizer and during the operation I was given three shots, one of which was Demerol (pain killer) and I think one of the others was Valium. I didn't really perceive anything much that I remember until a while after the surgery -- though third-party accounts indicate that halfway home from the oral surgeon I was able to finally determine that I was in a car on Dodge Street -- but the amnesia effect of the Diprivan was pretty strong (there may have been Versed, I don't know). I do however very vaguely -- almost like a distant dream -- remember waking up after the surgery and telling the nurse I wasn't ready to leave recovery yet.

    Basically it's like nothing at all -- my tranquilized self got into a dental chair, the doctor stuck a butterfly-type IV in my right elbow, and hooked up a syringe of white liquid. I asked what was in the IV, the nurse said it was Diprivan, and I felt myself fade out.

    Obviously back surgery under general anesthesia will be different from oral surgery under conscious sedation, but I've shared my experience FWIW.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 25, 04:11 PM
    I would love a 15" MBA.


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  • Funny Animal Pictures (5)

  • Abstract
    Sep 25, 10:50 PM
    The phrase Podcast didn't exist until the development of Apple's iPod....

    So? Some words like "Podcast" are adopted from popular culture. I still talk about Walkmans, not "Portable Audio Cassette Decks". Imagine how annoying that would be to say every time?

    I can understand why they want to protect the iPod name. That is their name, and that is their product. However, they really should leave "Podcast" alone. Having a "Podcast" is like the ultimate insult to everyone like Creative, Microsoft, etc. The name "Podcast" exists not because people want to leech off of the iPod's popularity, but because of the iPods popularity, and how endeared it is by our culture. These "Podcasts" were created to be downloaded onto iPods so that people can listen. In our society, iPod comes to mind first. Nobody was thinking of creating these audiocasts with the Creative Zen or MS Zune in mind. If they end up on a Zune, that's fine, but the thought was to get their content on iPods, which is really quite a compliment to Apple when you think about it.

    Apple should really reconsider their actions.

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  • justflie
    Nov 14, 08:35 AM
    On the seatback displays? ok, that's pretty cool, not gonna lie. C'mon Jet Blue, do it on yours too!


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  • willmtaylor
    Apr 5, 09:45 AM
    You should look up the definition of copyright.

    Thank you so much for that interesting and insightful comment. You really added to the discussion.

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 22, 07:12 PM
    :confused: You're only making it sad.

    I have to. But nice machine anyway. I am not into motor cycles anyway, too loud for my taste. I am an avid cyclist though.


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  • paulcdb
    Jan 7, 06:18 AM
    anyone noticed the list of friends in chat is not the same listed on the main site, or beejive?

    Looks like a lot of bugs slipped through :(

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  • Cute and funny animals

  • MattWylde
    Mar 23, 04:31 PM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone. The military does not offer wi-fi to their staff on base. Everything is hard wired and the conduit is sealed with a tamper proof silicon. The Government is very very particular about their SIPRnet (as they call it). Without wi-fi, what use is the iPad for the military other than to give them a little treat and waste our tax dollars? They already have mobile equipment in the vehicles that is far superior to Apple's products.


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  • mrgreen4242
    Dec 10, 11:23 AM
    what kind of ram does it use? DDR?

    No, I'm guessing it's PC133. I'll pull it apart to double check when I get a minute over the weekend.

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  • Animals Graphics Funny Animals

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 10:14 AM
    Originally posted by bullrat
    I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.

    I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.

    I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.

    Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.

    The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!


    Here's the problem right here with all these nonsensical rants. The G4 iMac is in now way jerky when it comes to window resizing. Whoever has posted this a)doesn't know whay they're talking about b) if they owned this iMac had something wrong with it.

    All we're doing by pissing and moaning about Mhz is hurting ourselves an Apple and the whole debate with the PC switchers.

    I don't know how many of you have actually spent time on a dual ghz mac but they are blazing fast. I currently own and am using a dual ghz/DDR and this thing flys with everything.

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  • Fredstar
    Apr 3, 07:45 AM
    Pages is exactly what Apple wanted it to be, a Word processing application with style. Unfortunately style is more dominant than productivity, which is a shame. It can be very slow and choppy at times and clearly needs a lot of work on Apple's front. The templates are cool and you can make some great looking brochure and leaflets but for raw word processing it is poor imo.

    Mar 25, 02:35 PM
    While reading these pages, what amazes me is that many people keep calling KODAK a patent troll.


    2 other companies have already settled on similar lawsuits.

    Earth to MacRumors members... APPLE WILL LOSE TOO MOST LIKELY.

    That's why I say Apple should just buy KODAK up and get all the royalties for all those patents that so many other companies are already paying or lost lawsuits regarding.

    Seems like a no-brainer to me. Apple has the cash, that's for sure. If you're gonna pay it out anyway, why not get something you didn't have in return?

    Apr 4, 07:46 PM
    Kinda late but I like pages!

    Oct 24, 08:17 AM
    Or should that be the Leopard Lounge ;-)

    Haha, fantastic suggestion :D

    Astral Cars
    Jul 14, 01:59 AM
    I've got a question and I didn't really want to start a new topic for it. I got folding going an here (using terminal) and it's been going for a few days. I downloaded the folding tracker widget and clicked the icon on the back and it still wont recognize by user name on the site (it doesn't find any users) and I looked in terminal and I found my ID number and put that into the widget and it doesn't get any info from it. How long does it take for the site to recognize new accounts? And why the heck after like three days can I not get any info on it? I'm getting annoyed I wanna see my stats.

    Jan 4, 12:40 PM
    I am sure this works like other download GPS apps. They download the maps based on the route. They download the hold trip as soon as you start out and cache the maps. So, unless you are starting out without coverage, i don't see how this would be an issue.

    i can't comment on the USA, but in the UK the data coverage can vary substantially. The best voice network is not always the best data network. O2 for example have a good voice network in the UK, but are by far the worst for 3G coverage.

    I can't see how this type of set up could work for people who rely on GPS on a daily basis, weekend travellers maybe, but not people who rely on GPS for their jobs

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