Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

dr who wallpaper

dr who wallpaper. doctor who wallpapers.
  • doctor who wallpapers.

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 02:14 PM
    i can't wait!! all this excitement is killing me!!!!

    let's just hope something is true at least

    dr who wallpaper. Dr Who 19512 - Dr Who
  • Dr Who 19512 - Dr Who

  • JSchwage
    Sep 12, 02:07 PM
    I don't like the dark grey sliders.
    Same with me. Why did they have to get rid of the Aqua style interface? I loved the glassy look before. But besides that, I love iTunes 7! :D

    dr who wallpaper. dr who wallpaper. dr who 2011
  • dr who wallpaper. dr who 2011

  • Blacklabel34
    Nov 12, 04:57 PM
    apple's review policy is a joke...
    APPLE you made your cake and now you want a piece of it too....:apple:

    dr who wallpaper. Dr.Who »
  • Dr.Who »

  • jlc1978
    Apr 11, 09:00 AM
    Not so much about the data caps. There's no choice with many service providers. AT&T's data plan with the iPad for one example.

    Without being too argumentative, the problem is people want a specific device and unlimited data. You can get unlimited data in a number of ways - just not necessarily with a specific device.

    More to the point, I think it's just Full of Win mentioning that it's not a very ideal solution for those in Adobe's demographic. Which is a point we can discuss. I personally feel they've got it right, but I doubt there will be any substantial market for renting the full on suites when buying them outright ends up being a cheaper/more convenient option.

    Actually, subscription makes sense when you consider:
    a) You have the latest version at a known fixed cost
    b) As a lease, rather than buy, it becomes tax deductible in full with no depreciation
    c) If you only use some apps infrequently, it may be cheaper than a full suite

    So it may make sense for some companies and or individuals.

    dr who wallpaper. dr who wallpaper.
  • dr who wallpaper.

  • amacgenius
    Nov 8, 08:07 AM
    But does the 1GB use one memory slot or two?

    Once again, quoting the specs page:
    1GB (two 512MB SO-DIMMs) in 2.0GHz models

    dr who wallpaper. Karen Gillan Dr Who Amy Pond
  • Karen Gillan Dr Who Amy Pond

  • phinsup
    Mar 12, 02:05 PM
    Wonder when the air will get updated, I have been waiting for something with a little more memory. or is the air pretty much dead now with the ipad?

    dr who wallpaper. Dr Who Caricature Wallpaper -9
  • Dr Who Caricature Wallpaper -9

  • TheFink
    Oct 11, 06:40 AM
    I can say with certainty that it is NOT Intel's nor AMD's fault. Megahertz is a valid benchmark for performance in the PC world. Although it may not be the end all in deciding factors which is faster, it's safe to say that a 1.4 mhz AMD is going to be faster than a 1.2mhz. When comparing megahertz to different architectures, that is where the problem lies. I don't think, however, that megahertz is a "myth". When Apple was close to wintel speeds, it was a good marketing campaign. But now with Apple so far behind, that whole slogan needs to be put to rest. PC's are ahead in all aspects except software.

    When it comes to pointing the finger, I think it lies with Apple. Apple should have more of a push with the cpu manufacturers. Instead, it seems like the manufacturers are totally in controll and Apple is forced to sit on their hands. You would think Apple would develop more of a partnership, rather than being just another customer of Motorola and IBM.

    In closing, I think Apple, Moto, and IBM all suck. They missed the boat and the best they can do is try to catch up. They ALL lose, along with the Apple consumers.

    Just my $.02

    dr who wallpaper. Dr Who and Reed Richards
  • Dr Who and Reed Richards

  • Tommyg117
    Aug 2, 09:25 PM
    bad news. I better tell my girlfriend. How many macbooks does this affect? All of them?

    dr who wallpaper. doctor who wallpaper
  • doctor who wallpaper

  • nitropowered
    Mar 28, 09:04 PM
    I would rather Apple do iPhone5 right then be pressured to release it at the typical release cycle.

    Give me 4" screen, NFC, dual core A9 and a gig of ram. LTE is not a huge deal since it will probably not be deployed widespread.

    dr who wallpaper. Doctor Who and Rose Wallpaper
  • Doctor Who and Rose Wallpaper

  • Flowbee
    Nov 27, 07:27 PM
    I'm sorry; the list was real (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_Channel_Communications). It wasn't an official ban per se, more of a suggestion, sent by Clear Channel Communications to stations they owned.

    There's a lot of speculation in that Wikipedia article and very few citations of credible sources.

    And then there's this...Official response to controversy
    Clear Channel officially denies most of these allegations. An article titled Know the Facts (http://www.clearchannel.com/Corporate/PressRelease.aspx?PressReleaseID=1167&p=hidden) on its corporate website addresses many of these concerns."

    dr who wallpaper. Doctor amp; Rose
  • Doctor amp; Rose

  • NT1440
    Mar 10, 07:06 PM
    We have to raise taxes, and cut our military spending first and foremost. I say cut military before benefits because those benefits are the only thing keeping millions of our people from being third world status poor.

    dr who wallpaper. Dr Who wallpaper 1 by
  • Dr Who wallpaper 1 by

  • janstett
    Sep 24, 08:41 AM
    Screw Wal-mart! They should shrivel up and die. I grew up in the epicenter of Wal-Mart's birthplace and it is nothing more than a plague on small-town (and larger city) life.

    I don't quite have this same level of hatred for them, but I have a few things to say about them.

    They are the Sears of our time. Back when I grew up in the 70's, Sears was still a big deal and manufacturers bent over for them, and everybody looked forward to getting the new Sears catalog, it was a big deal. They had the balls to rebadge the Atari and Intellivision consoles of the day just to stroke their own ego, and Atari and Mattel eagerly complied. Their "Craftsman" brand? They rebadge other people's products.

    Do you realize how much power the Wal-Marts and K-Marts of the world have? Do you realize that music labels have to press alternate, family friendly versions of their albums for Wal-Mart and the normal version for everybody else? Some products are kept off the market entirely if they can't get shelf space at Wal-Mart. I went through this experience personally around 10 years ago with an edutainment software title I worked on.

    At the end of the day, they will fail and crumble just like Sears did, because they become rigid and arrogant and will no longer "get it".

    Now, Wal-Mart should feel threatened by iTunes selling movies. So should Blockbuster, DVD Empire, heck the entire physical media industry and foodchain should be worried. But the movie studios love it no matter what they say in public, because it opens the door for more oppressive DRM, which is what they wanted all along -- the ability to control your media and charge you every time you watch it.

    dr who wallpaper. The Eleventh Doctor
  • The Eleventh Doctor

  • Source
    Oct 14, 04:23 PM
    Remember something, Nipsy, i'm on your side here. I want Apple to do well just as much as you do. I just happen to believe that Apple needs to do it in a different way than you and I don't know why you needed to take this argument to insults, other than some need to always believe that you are right.

    benixau made a rash reply, without reading my posts and believed that i hate Macs, because he was blindly supporting Apple, just as you are.

    "Now, I'd love if you could quote an insult from me."

    That wasn't actually directed towards you.

    "I'm intelligent enough to know that Apple does not have the market cap to fully control their chip evolution, and you, it seems, are not."

    There you go.

    "No, but you suggested that we should rally around some cause (design chips, boycott Apple, etc.) and vocalize. "

    Where did i say we should design chips or boycott Apple? Now you're just liying and it's no wonder you have come to your conclusions, considering you fabricate things like this.

    "When we started this argument, I observed..."

    This is exactly my point! We are suggesting virtually the same thing, except you are fabricating arguments for some reason that i can't understand, unless you simply "like the sound of your own voice" as it were.

    "Without you, I'm sure they'd be gunning to slow things down. I'm sure you'll be back to tell us how this 1.8 GHz 64 bit Power4 derivative is slow compared to the 3.8 GHz PIV next year."

    Yes, that's very intelligent. [/sarcasm] See i can do it too! I wasn't saying that my suggestion in any way influences Apple, and if you were so intelligent, you would have known that.

    This is the exact reason i suggested that people let Apple know what they want. A company, one that wants to stay in business at least, will not completely ignore its customers and if you let them know what you want in large numbers, you may well get it.

    If anyone has demonstrated lack of intelligence in this whole thread, Nipsy, it's you. You lie and misinterpret peoples posts in order to get your points across. Which, in the end, seem to be incredibly similar to the very points that you are dismissing.

    I'll say it again, take your arguments elsewhere, as someone who lies, misinterprets people's posts and more importantly seems to simply want to fire up an argument that isn't there, as you do, is pointless in discussing anything with.

    If you are intelligent, as you so call yourself, i fear for society.

    dr who wallpaper. In the main ident The Doctor
  • In the main ident The Doctor

  • AP_piano295
    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    I assume you enlisted then?


    I have no problem with an individual wanting to help out someone who needs help. I DO have a problem with wanting your neighbor's son/daughter to do it FOR you, just because you feel it is the right thing to do. If you really, truly thought it was worth it, we should be reading about you on the news (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/06/15/american-hunting-osama-bin-laden-gun-detained-northern-pakistan/).

    Otherwise, you are just another guy with some political leanings that has no problem sending our troops this way and that.

    INB4 "blah blah blah iraq GWB blah blah blah"
    -Against that one too, guys :rolleyes:

    I assume you support our country helping the people of Japan and yet you have not joined a group of rescuers going over seas to rescue them.

    I assume you support the efforts of law enforcement to protect yourself and others from murders, thieves, etc. and yet you are not a police person.

    I assume you are in favor of firemen who will keep your house from burning down if it ever catches fire. And yet you are not a fire man.

    I am a citizen of this country I, pay taxes which pays for firemen, the police, drug research etc. etc.

    These are all things that I believe in an yet I am not directly a part of them. Just because I believe in the current actions my country is undertaking in Libya does not mean that I must join the military to show my belief in the rightness of this operation.

    dr who wallpaper. are any Dr Who aficionados
  • are any Dr Who aficionados

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 12, 02:36 PM
    They make cars in the US, and domestic cars are typically less expensive than foreign ones. This argument really doesn't fly.

    But what's the difference in cost of shipping a car versus an iPhone across the Pacific?

    dr who wallpaper. Karen Gillan Amy Pond Dr Who
  • Karen Gillan Amy Pond Dr Who

  • MegaSignal
    Oct 15, 10:27 PM
    Can you imagine what this wireless zuneing feature will be like in the real world? I bet they haven't come up with a way to make the wireless feature only try talking to the zune you want it to, so it'll try talking to any other zune within the proximity of the wireless transmission capability.

    You'll be walking down a crowded street in a hurry trying to get your music playing when all of a sudden a box will pop up over your interface "User s8trBoi wants to send you the song "Skate or Die" by "The Snotty Adolescent Band." Do you want to accept?" You think wtf? Then suddenly it disappears and a new box pops up that says "Connection Lost, would you like to try again? [retry] [cancel] [stop] [close zuneing port]" After this keeps happening you click [close zuneing port], which turns off the wireless capability on your zune. Then you can't share songs anymore, and the pref to turn it back on will be buried under a complex interface. So the wireless capability will be used for all of a week for most people.

    Then maybe spammers will realize that this is a whole new fertile ground for their sludge. So you'll be walking down the street and suddenly a box will pop up over your interface that says "User "*BUY CHEAP VIAGRA*" wants to send you the song "ONLY 5 DOLLARS PER BOTTLE!!!" by "WWW.WE-R-SPAM.COM" Do you want to accept?"

    Zune sounds like a great new world. Thanks Microsoft.
    Probably the best post I ever read. Informative, funny, truthful.

    All the best to ya!

    dr who wallpaper. Dr. Who Desktop
  • Dr. Who Desktop

  • David085
    Oct 24, 08:04 PM
    like the setup :)

    dr who wallpaper. dr who wallpaper.
  • dr who wallpaper.

  • kalsta
    Apr 3, 04:43 AM
    Personally I'll be disappointed to see iPhone cameras going much above 5 MP. Image quality and creative options are limited by other factors in a device this small, so what's the point in wasting additional storage space for all the extra pixels? If I want to take serious photos I'll use my Canon SLR.

    dr who wallpaper. James Murphy Doctor Dr Who
  • James Murphy Doctor Dr Who

  • takao
    Apr 4, 12:53 PM
    as an agnostic, which was raised catholic, i'm not seeing the point of this .. apart of making money

    i suspect it makes as much sense as the new catholic YOUCAT. what a fantastic way to short Youth Catechism :rolleyes:

    Jan 11, 02:45 PM
    How Exciting!! Can't wait!!:):):)

    Nov 7, 10:42 AM
    The MacBook doesn't need a Core 2 Duo processor. Apple needs to leave a gap between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro.

    There's still quite a big difference between the MB and the MBP even if they both have C2D processors.
    CPU speed isn't the only thing to care about you know.

    Sep 22, 02:01 PM
    Target is better anyway. :)

    Apr 17, 06:52 PM
    So i went to best buy and they didnt get any iPads in. Only reservations for $100. What the eff was the point of the whole promotion crap and big ad in the newspapers. What a disappointment (nothing new)? Anyways i went over to toys r us at around 12, and bought their first iPad of the day, funny thing is, is that they opened at 9 am. How the hell does best buy get no iPads and our toys r us down the street gets 5?

    Oct 22, 08:40 PM
    macbook 2.0ghz c2d, 4gb
    audioengine a2 speakers
    samsung bx2250 21.5" led monitor
    extended keyboard II
    magic trackpad

    at some point i'd love to get a new laptop (debating between a powerhouse mbp i7 or a sexy little mba) but i'm pretty happy with my setup as is.

    There is one thing in your setup which breaks my heart......

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